Thursday, 30 March 2017

166.Chew Stoke Hidden Waterfall


Parking @  BS40 8TF or Chew Valley Picnic site £2.00

A walk this week from Chew valley lake. In car park thousands of Flies waiting for the Swallows and Martins no doubt !

After wandering along Chews shore line for a bit we come to the Red Lion at Bishop Sutton.

It was a grey day with the threat of rain but at the moment it was dry, Denny island can be seen as we climb Burledge Hill.

Trigpoint at top of Burledge Hill

With views all around Chew valley lake.

Burledge Hill apart from great views and a wild flower meadows has a fort developed in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age, although not too much remaining.
This a Cuckoo Flower.

Making the walk down and across Herriott's Bridge looking across Chew Lake

Its springtime and these lambs enjoying a feed.

Nempnet Thrumwell is famous  Cromwell's army stabled here over night in the Civil war and the song "Down The Nempnett Thrubwell" by The Wurzels plus a great name !

Onwards and wandering ponies on Gravel Hill.

Breach hill Obelisk can be seen, covered this on previous walk.

Always a bit worrying when you have to walk across a field with Horned bulls in , but these were fine and didn't move !

Now the main event ! 
A 3 meter high waterfall.

Tried out a few photographic angles getting wet for my efforts !

Filled my boots up on this one !

you can almost walk behind this one, almost !

Me in Picture for scale, next week Andy's birthday so a waterfall special, going to Wales for some big walk behind waterfalls, watch this space.

After spending some time here we carry on and St Andrew's Church at Chew Stoke.

In to Chew Stoke and a ford, 6ft imagine that wouldn't wanna walk that one !

Then back at Chew and a Egyption goose to end on. Highlight definitely the Waterfall but overall a great walk !

Thats all for this week, join me again next week  :)

Sunday, 5 March 2017

165.Round About Keynsham


Parking @ Saltford BS31 3AJ

A walk close to home this week taking in Saltford, Keynsham with surrounding Vales and the River Avon ,then ending along Bristol to Bath Cycle Path.

The first Picture is taken from the Wellsway looking towards Keynsham , not much to photograph before this point.

Next down to the River Chew and Chewton Place.

Chewton Place The 3-star Hotel ,mmmm not sure it still is 3 star but was a conference center and wedding location, maybe soon ?

Looking now to the Wellsway and Keynsham again.

Spring time Lambs i suppose it is March, these looks as though they are a few weeks if not months old.

Keynsham Rugby ground and St Johns the Baptist Church .

Our path follows along side and below the A4 Bypass, not that inspiring!

St. Johns again and Keynsham High Street.

over the A4

Over the train Station.

Next down and over the River Avon looking here at the old Keynsham Cadburys built in 1923 and was the home of Fry's Chocolate Cream, the Double Decker, Dairy Milk, Chocolate Buttons, Cream Eggs and Mini Eggs, Cadbury's Fudge, Chomp and Crunchie.
 It has since moved to Poland and closed down. 
Now being redeveloped for 700 homes.

As you pass over the Bridge you'll see the Lock keeper pub and Weir, a good place to sit for a sandwich . Getting a bit arty !

Without the Crystal ball.

Next following on along the River Avon the old boat works in its full stride in 1881,
but now mostley commercial business, but some boat repairs still go on there .

Cold Bath House built in Mid-C19.and a listed building.

After passing Noel Edmund's house, you'll notice all the Video cameras before you come up on to the Bristol and Bath Railway Path .

Not exactly straight but summer month a few steam train still pass along here.

On the tracks.

Adds something .... not sure what ?

After coming off Railway path at the Bird in Hand Pub then follow on up into Saltford a final view of Kelston Round hill, done on a previous walk. we arrive back at beginning.

Thats all for this week, join me again next week  :)